Kristanix Email Sender Deluxe 2.35 Full Keygen
Mirrors: HugeFiles | BillionUploads | TusFiles
Email Sender merupakan sebuah software pengirim email yang memungkinkan anda untuk dapat mengirimkan pesan email dan juga newsletter secara massal. Kristanix Email Sender Deluxe 2.35 Full Version banyak di gunakan oleh mereka yang menjalankan usaha toko online, biasanya mereka memanfaatkan software ini untuk mengirimkan email-email yang berisikan promosi produk-produk terbaru serta newsletter ke semua pelanggan mereka secara bersamaan dalam satu waktu.
- Send personalized emails quickly!
- Easily import recipients from databases
- Import recipients from files
- Easy-to-use HTML editor
- Easily manage multiple "from" email accounts
- Score email templates for re-use later
- Personalize each email
- Preview all emails before they are sent.
- Insert both embedded images and images that are linked to.
- Send file attachments to all recipients.
- Send both plain text and HTML versions of the email.
- Use multiple email encodings such as languages and standards.
- Send using multiple connections for maximum speed.
- Automatically retry failed emails.
- Update latest recipients from databases and files automatically.
- Send using SMTP server, Direct Send (DNS) or Pickup Service.
- Easily manage "from" accounts, recipient groups and email templates.
Link Download
Mirror via BillionUploads
Mirror via HugeFiles
Mirror via TusFiles
Cara Install
1. Unrar
2. Install Email Sender Deluxe
3. Run program Email Sender Deluxe > Click Help > Click Enter Registration Key
- Name: Isi dengan nama anda (bebas)
- Key : Gunakan keygen untuk mendapatkan key-nya
4. Enjoy